Sunday, October 30, 2011

22nd November

This is the day where we had a plenary session on tiger conservation- problem and solution in tiger habitats, and engagement of youth in tiger conservation. We the delegates worked on improving action plan, and presented our project on the youth appeal.
The day set of with morning meal followed by introductory session by WWF Russia team. Then the delegates from all the countries presented their youth outreach project to the crowds, one after another. This youth outreach project was asked to draft before we came to summit. The project developed by tiger ambassador will be carried out after the summit, and the project is guided with the project title, aims, executants, project setting, tool used, expected result, scope and age of audience, action plan and time frame, and partner to work with. The delegates furthermore presented on the status of tiger in each countries, conservation work, initiative and strategies, task, key action and future plan for tiger conservation. Since all the delegates are Youth, our projects were likely to be associated with schools, universities and have something to do on the social networking websites. Although the projects vary from country to country, they all have one common aim. That is to cultivate the idea of tiger conservation in youths. Apart from online activism; powerful off-line movements are also discussed which includes occasional public engaging activities such as competitions, dramas, talks, and games etc… to involve youths at large. At the same time we came up with youth action plane and is as fol

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