Hey Dawa! “It does not look nice, why don’t you remove it, you look like tourist guide” said two of my college friend. I was aback to listen to, as far as my right and respect to national identity concern.
Why? In turn, I made inquiries to them, but they didn’t give me any concrete reason.
Then I was wondering, what was the blunder in wearing national flag stripe around my neck to hang college ID card. What faulty I have as a proud Bhutanese, hanging its national flag with respect and the importance of it in the mind. May be it appeared odd or nonsense, but no matter whatever the hidden reason it be, I would love to put it on.

Within the friends I have intermingled in schools and college until today, I heard many times the praise and hopeful statement, when clothed in western fashion such as logo on the chest, scarf with western flag on the head and other latest trend cloths. Nonetheless these days, it was shocking to hear from my thoughtful friends of Education College, complaining and daunting on national flag strip being dangled around the neck. Does it sound right? I think it is a time for us to give deeper thought of where we are heading to.
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