The ancient and most sacred relics of Lord Buddha and his two chief disciples, Sharibu and Mogelgibu, were traveling around the nation to celebrate Royal wedding of His Majesty the King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck and Her Majesty the Queen Jetsun Pema.
After traveling around the nation for a month, finally it arrived in Paro Dzong. The relics were received in traditional proceeding by Dzongkhag Administration, Paro. There were more than thousand people queuing in the Dzong to have a glimpse of sacred relics. Youths, elder people, middle age men and women, and children were prominent figure curiously waiting in their line in national dress as if they are entering in the Dzong (fortress) for the foremost time.
People were excited and happy to see the artifacts once in the life time. Amongst many, I was one with inexpressible happiness. Out of curiosity as soon as I heard the news of relics, I rushed to the spot before time. In fact I had to stand two hours waiting for the artifacts to arrive; nevertheless I was in the front of lines and this gave me easy and earlier to access. As the line move near the relics, I was feeling warm and satisfied. From the distance of two meter I could see the relics standing preciously on the long table. It was framed in transparent like material, through which I can see the tiny tooth. In the first sequences was Buddha’s relic followed by two disciples. Gradually, while I was passing by the relics, I was paying complete attention and gazing observantly. It was too short standing near the relic, however, the opportunity was second time for me to have a thorough look and make sincere prayers and wishes to benefit all the sentient beings that have been our parents. Earlier I took the opportunity to have a glimpse in the capital (Thimphu), but it was brief and unsatisfied.
To the Royal Government of Bhutan, I personally pay immense grateful for their initiative in showcasing the sacred relics to the Bhutanese. Particularly to prime minister of Bhutan Lyonpo Jigme Y Thinley, who brought the relics with good intention, and of course we are fortunate to have your excellence as PM.
Editor: Gretchen Legler
Visiting Professor
Paro college of Education